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  • Putting a Positive Spin on Spinach

    By Bryan M Stoller, OD As a young boy I remember watching the cartoon character, Popeye, swallowing spinach like some people guzzle  Coca Cola.  At that time in my life I would have refused to even bring a fork of spinach within arm’s length of my mouth. No matter how much I would have been […]

    Continue Reading June 20, 2016

  • Did I Pass? How to Survive the Eye Test

    By Sasha L Radford, OD   Do you get nervous about having your eyes checked? I’ve noticed many patients are anxious about the eye exam. I used to think that visiting an optometrist was a breeze from a patient’s standpoint – you get to stay fully clothed, you don’t get shots or have blood drawn […]

    Continue Reading May 26, 2016

  • Infant Vision Development

    By Janelle J Brown, OD As spring approaches blanketing everything with green buds, we start thinking about new life. What better time to think about the eye care of infants and toddlers? You’ve probably noticed how large an infant’s eyes appear; even though the front portion of an infant’s eyes are 75% of their adult […]

    Continue Reading April 29, 2016

  • Eye Protection at Work

    By Sasha L Radford, OD I tend to be a bit accident prone. I’m no equestrian, but after 2 years of horseback riding lessons I should know not to let the horse get so close to the gate that my knee slams into it, requiring a brace for three weeks. Also, how could I have […]

    Continue Reading March 28, 2016

  • Can’t you See???

    By Janelle J Brown, OD Limited sight does not equate to a limited life. According to a poll by the American Foundation for the Blind, people fear vision loss more than cancer, HIV/AIDS, stroke, heart disease, diabetes and other serious health problems. Even with the earliest intervention and best treatment available, sometimes vision loss is […]

    Continue Reading February 8, 2016

  • Dry Eye Syndrome – A lot more than meets the eye

    By Sasha L Radford, OD You’d think that something with such a clear name as “Dry Eye Syndrome” would be pretty straightforward. The eyes are dry so let’s moisturize them. Simple, right? In fact, Dry Eye Syndrome (DES) has many inconsistencies and isn’t always easy to treat. “How can my eyes be dry? They’re always […]

    Continue Reading October 5, 2015

  • Why Optometry?

    By Janelle J. Brown, OD As a patient of Dr. Bryan Stoller’s for years, I was always interested in how the instruments in the office worked, what he was looking for in my eyes, and how he determined the correct eyeglasses prescription. When he allowed me to job shadow during high school, I thoroughly enjoyed […]

    Continue Reading August 18, 2015

  • Close Your Eyes

    By Bryan M Stoller, OD Our eyes are one of our most precious assets.  I want you to imagine something.   When imagining it always helps to close your eyes.  However, if you close your eyes you won’t be able to keep reading.  So for now, keep them open and follow along with me.   Imagine for […]

    Continue Reading June 23, 2015

  • What’s the future of your vision?

    By Sasha L Radford, OD Why do you go to the eye doctor? Maybe you aren’t seeing as well as you think you could. Perhaps your glasses are broken or you’ve simply run out of contact lenses. Or you may think your current glasses are unstylish and you’re ready for a new look. You go […]

    Continue Reading May 19, 2015

  • Cataract surgery not as bad as many believe

    By Sasha L Radford, OD “Hopefully I’ll die before I need cataract surgery.” The number of patients that have said this astounds me. It’s often a challenge to convince patients how quick and painless cataract surgery and its recovery can be. Often patients are so apprehensive they think they’d rather endure poor vision than have […]

    Continue Reading April 14, 2015