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  • Spots before the eyes

    By Sasha L Radford, OD What’s the first thing that comes to your mind when a child has red, watery eyes? “Pink eye” is the dreaded verdict, as it can empty an entire classroom in a matter of days. Bacterial conjunctivitis is usually the culprit, especially in preschool or grade school-aged children. There are many […]

    Continue Reading March 16, 2015

  • The fading rug

    By Sasha L Radford, OD There was once an exquisite oriental rug on the parlor room floor of a small family home in the country. The rug was quite expensive and had adorned the room for many decades. Its owner took as much pride in its vibrant colors and complex patterns as she did in […]

    Continue Reading March 16, 2015

  • This “mite” be gross

    By Sasha L Radford, OD   Look with me through the microscope:  The eyelid margins are red with scales or crusts around the lashes. The eyes themselves are a little red as well, and there are other signs of chronic inflammation such as clogged oil glands and loss of eyelashes. A key observation points to […]

    Continue Reading December 22, 2014

  • Individualized treatment for macular degeneration

    By Sasha L Radford, OD If you’re over the age of 60, you should be aware of recent advances in the treatment of age-related macular degeneration, whether it pertains to you or someone you love. Recent research has changed the way eye care providers can treat age-related macular degeneration (AMD), one of the most common […]

    Continue Reading November 12, 2014

  • Not Just Black & White

    This article appeared in the Fairbury Blade and Pontiac Daily Leader in October 2014.  By Sasha L Radford, OD   What does it mean to be colorblind? Do some people really see the world in black and white? Before I even begin to answer those questions, I must first answer this: What is color? Color is […]

    Continue Reading October 8, 2014

  • Resolving the Mystery of Glaucoma

    This article appeared in the Fairbury Blade and Pontiac Daily Leader in September 2014. By Sasha L Radford, OD   When asked about family history of eye disease, patients often confuse glaucoma with other conditions. “I think my grandmother had glaucoma, but she had surgery and got implants for that” (likely cataracts). Or, “My dad takes […]

    Continue Reading October 8, 2014

  • Do you need a contact lens intervention?

    This article appeared in the Fairbury Blade and Pontiac Daily Leader in August 2014. By Sasha L Radford, OD Here’s a quick true or false quiz for all the contact lens wearers out there: T or F:  I wear my disposable contact lenses until they start bothering my eyes. T or F:  I can reuse […]

    Continue Reading August 20, 2014

  • Welcome to the New Fairbury Vision Center Website!

    We’re proud to announce the launch of our brand new website. The site was designed with you in mind and is chock-full of several useful features. It’s now easier than ever to make an appointment, download patient forms, view current specials and promotions, and learn about the many products and services we offer at our […]

    Continue Reading April 9, 2014

  • What if we had a choice?

    If an eye disease was an inevitable part of your life, wouldn’t it be nice if you could pick which disease you had? If you could, you would want to pick cataracts. Today, cataract surgery can not only remedy the disease but it can make your eye sight better than it ever was before. Thanks […]

    Continue Reading April 9, 2014